Baiyun Airport "plastic limit" in speed

Recently, Baiyun Airport plastic pollution control work smoothly through the Civil aviation Central South regional Administration, Civil aviation Guangdong Regulatory Bureau working group joint inspection, the inspection team has been fully recognized. Since this year, Baiyun Airport has accelerated the work of plastic pollution control, and the construction of green airport has added new achievements.

Since January 1, 2022, Baiyun Airport has begun to promote biodegradable plastics in all places of the airport, such as terminal, VIP room, parking building, hotel, staff canteen and so on. Non-biodegradable plastic products are fully "cleared out", and biodegradable plastic and other environmental protection alternatives are "please come in". So far, Baiyun Airport has completed plastic pollution control in 225 shops, 3 VIP rooms, 8 lounges and all working areas, and is expected to reduce more than 7.4 million non-environmentally friendly plastic bags in the whole year.